Specialized Transportation Services for Transportation Disadvantaged Persons is sponsored by the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged and the Taylor County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board and coordinated by Big Bend Transit.

Download the Perry Shuttle Brochure
To view an interactive map with real-time estimates of the Perry Shuttle, click on the "find the bus" icon below:

To download the Ride BBT mobile app to your smart phone, visit ITunes or Google Play. Or, you may download the flyer and scan the QR code.
For information call: (850) 584-5566 option #1 or Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8711 for TDD access.
Big Bend Transit, Inc. (BBT) is seeking residents of Taylor County who are interested in forming a Vanpool. Vanpooling will save you wear-and-tear on your vehicle, fuel, and is good for the environment. Download the Flyer.
Who are the Transportation Disadvantaged?
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) means "those persons who because of physical or mental disability, income status, or age, or for other reasons are unable to transport themselves or to purchase transportation and are, therefore, dependent upon others to obtain access to health care, employment, education, shopping, social activities, or other life-sustaining activities, or children who are handicapped or high risk as defined inÂ…?Chapter 427, F.S., Rule 41-2, F.A.C. You may download the Taylor County Transportation Disadvantaged brochure hereÂ…?for more details. Â…?You may also download and fill out the application.
Where is the Transportation Service Available?
Generally, you can ride to and from any location within Taylor county. The service is designed to get transportation disadvantaged individuals and the general public to their destinations.
What is the Cost of Transportation Service?
The one-way fare for the transportation service is based on the trip origin and destination. A one-way trip for a TD eligible person anywhere in Taylor County, Monday through Saturday, between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM is $2.00. A one-way trip for a General Public person anywhere in Taylor County, Monday through Saturday, between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM is $10.00. If you require that an escort accompany you on your ride, he/she would pay the same fare.
The one-way fare is paid each time you board the vehicle. The fare may be paid by cash, check or money order. Exact fare is required. The driver carries no change. The driver cannot give a receipt. If necessary, a receipt can be obtained from the Tallahassee office.
What Transportation Will be Provided?
Generally, curb-to-curb transportation service will be available Monday through Saturday, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
How Can I Access the Transportation Service?
Transportation requests must be made at least 1 day in advance of your travel needs. Call Big Bend Transit at (850) 584-5566 option #1 by 2:00 PM the previous day, Monday through Friday (call on Friday for a Saturday or Monday ride). You will be asked for your name, phone number, pickup address, where you are going and what time you need to arrive, if a return trip is wanted and if assistance for a disability (wheelchair, sight impaired, etc.) is required. You will be told the fare and what time to be ready for your pickup.
If I Need to Change Plans or Cancel My Ride, What Do I Do?
Should you need to change your plans or cancel your ride, call (850) 584-5566 option #3 as soon as possible. Failure to cancel your ride within 2 hours of your time of travel will cause a "NO-SHOW" charge and/or cancellation of transportation privileges.
What is the Phone Number for the Coordinated Transportation System?
(850) 584-5566 option #1 - Information is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8711 provides TDD accessibility.
Who Would I Contact for Comments or Concerns With the Service Provided?
In the event you have difficulties with your travel and feel these issues need to be addressed, contact the Transportation Coordinator at (850) 574-6266 option #6. Let the Transportation Coordinator know that you wish to make a comment about the transportation company, a driver, or any other aspect of the service.
If at any time you are not satisfied with the local transportation service you may call the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Hotline at 1-800-983-2435.

Download the Perry Shuttle Brochure
To view an interactive map with real-time estimates of the Perry Shuttle, click on the "find the bus" icon below:

To download the Ride BBT mobile app to your smart phone, visit ITunes or Google Play. Or, you may download the flyer and scan the QR code.
For information call: (850) 584-5566 option #1 or Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8711 for TDD access.
Big Bend Transit, Inc. (BBT) is seeking residents of Taylor County who are interested in forming a Vanpool. Vanpooling will save you wear-and-tear on your vehicle, fuel, and is good for the environment. Download the Flyer.
Transportation Service Information
- The driver will assist you in boarding the vehicle, if necessary.
- The driver will wait five minutes for you.
- You must use the seatbelt provided.
- You must have the ability to carry your own personal items.
- Return trips will be made within an hour of the requested time.
- No smoking, eating or drinking on the vehicle.
- Accessible formats are available upon requests.
- Advanced purchase of coupons/tickets is available.

Transportation Service Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the Transportation Disadvantaged?
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) means "those persons who because of physical or mental disability, income status, or age, or for other reasons are unable to transport themselves or to purchase transportation and are, therefore, dependent upon others to obtain access to health care, employment, education, shopping, social activities, or other life-sustaining activities, or children who are handicapped or high risk as defined inÂ…?Chapter 427, F.S., Rule 41-2, F.A.C. You may download the Taylor County Transportation Disadvantaged brochure hereÂ…?for more details. Â…?You may also download and fill out the application.
Where is the Transportation Service Available?
Generally, you can ride to and from any location within Taylor county. The service is designed to get transportation disadvantaged individuals and the general public to their destinations.
What is the Cost of Transportation Service?
The one-way fare for the transportation service is based on the trip origin and destination. A one-way trip for a TD eligible person anywhere in Taylor County, Monday through Saturday, between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM is $2.00. A one-way trip for a General Public person anywhere in Taylor County, Monday through Saturday, between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM is $10.00. If you require that an escort accompany you on your ride, he/she would pay the same fare.
The one-way fare is paid each time you board the vehicle. The fare may be paid by cash, check or money order. Exact fare is required. The driver carries no change. The driver cannot give a receipt. If necessary, a receipt can be obtained from the Tallahassee office.
What Transportation Will be Provided?
Generally, curb-to-curb transportation service will be available Monday through Saturday, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
How Can I Access the Transportation Service?
Transportation requests must be made at least 1 day in advance of your travel needs. Call Big Bend Transit at (850) 584-5566 option #1 by 2:00 PM the previous day, Monday through Friday (call on Friday for a Saturday or Monday ride). You will be asked for your name, phone number, pickup address, where you are going and what time you need to arrive, if a return trip is wanted and if assistance for a disability (wheelchair, sight impaired, etc.) is required. You will be told the fare and what time to be ready for your pickup.
If I Need to Change Plans or Cancel My Ride, What Do I Do?
Should you need to change your plans or cancel your ride, call (850) 584-5566 option #3 as soon as possible. Failure to cancel your ride within 2 hours of your time of travel will cause a "NO-SHOW" charge and/or cancellation of transportation privileges.
What is the Phone Number for the Coordinated Transportation System?
(850) 584-5566 option #1 - Information is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8711 provides TDD accessibility.
Who Would I Contact for Comments or Concerns With the Service Provided?
In the event you have difficulties with your travel and feel these issues need to be addressed, contact the Transportation Coordinator at (850) 574-6266 option #6. Let the Transportation Coordinator know that you wish to make a comment about the transportation company, a driver, or any other aspect of the service.
If at any time you are not satisfied with the local transportation service you may call the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Hotline at 1-800-983-2435.